We like to watch the news at least once or twice a day and follow various news outlets on social media to stay connected to our community and the world. Our team at Milestone Health Services Halton encourages everyone to be an active participant in their community, and we want to help you do it!

Stay connected!

Whether it’s to help us decide which clothes to wear depending on the weather, or to keep up to date on local and international events, we all have a news channel we like. Some even have panels of expert guests to discuss sensitive topics with a variety of views represented.

If you spend a lot of time in the car or on public transit, the radio is a loyal companion.  There are shows that have political bias, ones that are purely entertaining for the morning commute, and ones that offer live broadcasts of sporting events whose format is specifically tailored for a non-viewing audience.

Thank you

We must thank our seniors for helping to shape our communities as we know them!

Given the wide variety of choices in media, it’s often difficult to piece together what’s actually going on, and how you feel about it! Having lived in Canada for many years, seniors already have a good idea of the political process, and the duties of citizens in a democratic society.

There are several ways you can be a part of the democratic process:

  • vote during elections
  • volunteer at representative events (municipal, provincial or federal)
  • participate in the census
  • communicate your concerns to your representatives
  • join the board that governs your condo building
  • join a local committee that advises government on relevant issues

You may consider running for public office.  There are some very distinguished seniors in all levels of government who continue to represent the interests of their constituents well into their golden years.


How can seniors take part?

Seniors can feel isolated if they don’t have a way to get around the city easily, or if they don’t have a home computer. While computer literacy among seniors is growing, there is still a gap in this part of connectivity. Learn more.

It’s not easy to accept being unable to keep a drivers’ licence because of vision problems, and sometimes arthritic pains can keep people from enjoying an active lifestyle.

These limitations shouldn’t prevent you from taking part in making the place in which you live and thrive.  You’ve lived through many challenges, and have wisdom to share with others.  Why not join the Older Adult Advisory Committee in Halton? Contact the OAAC for more information on how to join.


How can Milestone Health Services Halton help?

Just because you’re retired, it doesn’t mean you have to sit at home. If you, or someone you know who has limited mobility, wants to attend events or become more involved in their community, why not consider companion care?

Milestone Health Services Halton offers services that can help you stay connected:

  • match you with a caregiver who can:
    • show you how to use social media and email
    • go to the library with you
  • arrange for transportation to and from your destination

Home nursing care and in-home physiotherapy can complement your health care plan by ensuring proper medication management, and giving you the exercise you need to keep active. It also allows you to stay in the comfort of your home while benefiting from high quality treatment.

Contact Milestone Health Services Halton for a complimentary in-home assessment at 1-888-509-9394 or 905-864-9020.  You can also use our online contact form.