While some of us prefer solitude, studies have shown that socialization leads to healthier living. If you’re a senior who chooses to stay in your own home as you grow older, we encourage you to plan for activities outside the home or include social visits as part of your routine because of the many benefits socialization can bring to your emotional and physical well-being.

Some of the benefits a social life can bring:

  • seniors are less likely to develop depression
  • there is a lower risk of falling
  • better, healthier eating habits
  • active living can decrease joint issues that develop from leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • happier, more positive outlook on life

In addition to human contact, why not consider having a pet? Pet ownership can be a very satisfying experience and can increase longevity by ensuring that you take your pet out for daily walks, which helps you be active. It’s also nice to be needed, isn’t it?

What is Animal Therapy?

Animal therapy is one way for people to experience unconditional love. It also helps people gain confidence in their ability to interact socially. You can talk to the dog or cat, feel their soft fur and cuddle them, and also continue your daily routine in their presence. Anyone can benefit from animal therapy, including seniors and people with mental illness.

Therapy animals are trained to be gentle around people, and are familiarized with hospital equipment so they are careful not to be overexcited when they’re introduced to new environments. The people who volunteer their services as therapy dog handlers know how to manage their dog in health care facilities, which makes it safe for everyone to enjoy the program.

Never underestimate the soothing effects of having another soul spend time with you! Imagine being at home after a hospital stay and your body is trying to recover from surgery. Animals have a special intuition that allows them to just know that you need their comfort. The physical stress of surgery can make it difficult for you to stay positive, but having company can ease this stress.

Programs in your area

For details on animal therapy programs in Halton, click on the links below:

How can Milestone Health Services Halton help?

We offer companion care for seniors who want someone to spend time with them, and we can make animal therapy a part of your activities if you like. Being a pet owner is a big responsibility, and not everyone is able to have a dog or cat in their home.  Milestone Health Services Halton can help arrange a therapy animal visit, so you can enjoy the benefits animal therapy offers.

If you live in the Halton area, including Georgetown, Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Mississauga North, and would like to discuss companion care packages and your individual needs, contact Milestone Health Services Halton for a complimentary in-home consultation at 1-888-509-9394 or 905-864-9020. You can also use our online contact form.