Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have our Grandmothers in our lives as we’ve grown up and become the people we are now, know that there is so much that our Grandmothers do to contribute to our lives.

Whether it be lessons learned, tears dried, recipes taught, comforting words spoken, or just being able to know that someone cares for you in a way no one else can, the things we get from our Grandmothers help shape us into the people we are and add so many meaningful things to our lives. Our Grandmothers also teach us something about where we come from, whether we had the opportunity to spend much time with them or even to meet them at all, we know that we wouldn’t be where or who we are without them, because they helped to shape our parents who, in turn, used those lessons to impact our lives. Our Grandmothers are, in essence, deeply important figures for many of us and for our families as a whole.

While the respect and appreciation that we feel for our Grandmothers may be great, many of us don’t express how important they are to us as often as we should. How often do we really take the time to express those sentiments and tell our Grandmothers how much they mean to us and how special they are?

This Sunday, July 23rd, is Gorgeous Grandma Day, a day dedicated to showing our Grandmothers how beautiful and special they are to us. Our Grandmothers have our love, respect, and admiration every day, but Gorgeous Grandma Day presents the perfect opportunity to really show our Grandmothers how important they are to us. Whether you treat your Grandmother to a meal out, take her on a shopping trip, buy her a gift, go on a special outing, or just spend some time with her at home chatting and catching up, celebrating Gorgeous Grandma Day in whatever way your Grandmother will enjoy is a great excuse to show her how much she means to you.

While Gorgeous Grandma Day comes only once a year, that doesn’t mean it is the only day on which making our Grandmothers feel special should be a priority. There are so many little behaviours and things we can do on an ongoing basis that can remind our Grandmothers not only that we love them, but also that they are beautiful, valuable, and appreciated by us endlessly. The following list is comprised of just a few suggestions of little ways in which we can nurture our relationships with our Grandmothers and let them how important they are to us every day:

  • Keep in Touch: One of the most basic, but also deeply impactful and important, things you can do to show your Grandmother that she is important to you is just to take the time needed for keeping in touch and making sure she knows she is a priority in your life. Writing letters, calling on the phone, sending e-mails, or even just writing texts on a regular basis can be so meaningful.
  • Visit When You Can: With distance, busy routines, and the daily goings-on of everyday life, getting together in person isn’t always possible but when it is, make it a priority. Your Grandmother will appreciate so deeply that you have taken the time to head her way for a visit, or to invite her to your place for a while. These visits are great opportunities for simple catch-ups on life, for important conversations, or just for some quality time in one another’s company.
  • Ask About Her Life: Your Grandmother has lived a long life and has amassed a great many stories, memories, and pieces of wisdom that she has to share. While you may already know some of your Grandmother’s story, asking her to tell you about her life can help her feel as though you are interested in who she is, who she was, where she came from, and what her journey looked like. The opportunity to share stories and wisdom can also help remind your Grandmother that she still has so much to contribute, which can be positive for her self-esteem and sense of self.
  • Do Things Together: Whenever you or your family are going on an outing that your Grandmother might enjoy, invite her along. Many seniors spend a lot of time at home in their older age, and the opportunity to get out for an activity, an outing, or an event with grandchildren will probably be exciting for your Grandmother. Doing things with your Grandmother also acts to remind her that she’s still on your radar and hasn’t been forgotten now that she is older, which can help to boost her mood and make her feel special.
  • Cook and Eat Together: Many of us learn family recipes from our grandparents, and cooking them together can be a fun activity. If your Grandmother has recipes to share, give her the opportunity to teach them to you by cooking together. Even if cooking together isn’t quite for you, try eating a meal together with your Grandmother whenever you can. Meal times can highlight loneliness because they are typically such a social activity, so using a meal as an opportunity to spend time with your Grandmother and give her some company can be so wonderful for her and for you.
  • Share Your Life with Her: Along with asking your Grandmother about her life, let her into yours. Sharing stories and talking to your Grandmother about what is going on in your life can also be a way to make her feel included, valued, and special.
  • Encourage Self-Care: The unfortunate reality for many older people is that they begin to care for themselves less as they age because they don’t always feel worth the effort. One of the best things you can do for your Grandmother is remind her that she is worthy of care and attention, and encourage her to participate in actions of self-care. Just after Gorgeous Grandma Day is International Self-Care Day, which falls on Monday July 24th, and presents the perfect opportunity to remind your Grandmother to do caring and compassionate things for herself. Whether it be taking part in relaxing behaviours, doing in a fun activity, tending to physical and mental health, or getting such much-needed socializing in, our Grandmothers deserve to be loved and cared for by us, but also by themselves.
  • Tell Her You Appreciate Her: While actions can be incredibly effective ways of showing your Grandmother just how important she is to you, sometimes the most meaningful thing to do is just use the words. Tell your Grandmother exactly how you feel about her, how important and beautiful she is, and how much you appreciate her presence in your life. While it may seem simple, hearing someone acknowledge and express such loving feelings can fill your Grandmother with joy and make her feel important, valued, and beautiful.

Our Grandmothers have done amazing things throughout their lives and have dedicated so much time, energy, and love into caring for us and those we love. Gorgeous Grandma Day and International Self Care Day are both great opportunities for our Grandmothers to be reminded of how wonderful they are, and of the fact that they are deserving of so much love and care. Caring for and supporting our Grandmothers as they age is more than just making sure their physical and healthcare needs are met, it is about showing them how much we love them and reminding them of just how special they are.


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